Europe Must Open Up - But How?
An article written by Commission President Jose' Barroso was featured yeserday on The Times of Malta. The former Portuguese Prime Minister urges Europe to be more dynamic and to open up to the benefits of globalisation. With reference to the European Constitution, rejected by France and the Netherlands, Barroso speaks of the current treaties governing the Union and says that, "With political will and a European commitment, much can be done with the EU's current powers"
Unfortunately Barroso spares very few words on the need for greater democracy, active citizenship and Margot Wallstrom's proposal for a Plan D in Europe. Instead, he argues in favour of making the European Beurocratic machine, which, I remind you, is currently at the helm of small economic growth in the Eurozone, more effective.
But how Mr. Barroso? Your proposal of scrapping unnecessary laws is one way but not the ultimate solution.
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